Monday 10 August 2009

Social Media is all grown up

If anyone working in public relations still has any doubts that social media is going to be a massive part of their job then the latest report from Marta Kagan on Digital Buzz should put them right.

It’s packed full of extraordinary figures about the remarkable growth of social networking sites on the web.

For example:

* three out of four Americans use social technology
* two thirds of the global internet population use social networks
* social sites are the fourth most popular area of online activity - ahead of personal email
* time spent on social networks is growing three times faster than overall internet growth, accounting for 10% of all internet time
* 100 million YouTube videos are viewed each day
* Twitter grew by 1382% between January and February this year

It’s bursting with compelling reasons why every PR practitioner has to include social media as part of their arsenal of communication tools. The swear words might not be to everyone’s taste, but the message is clear.

But enough from me. Why not view the slideshow here yourself.

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